By: Roy Wells 

Team Triad continues to receive accolades and recognition of our success on behalf of great clients. Our most recent is my inclusion among the Pennsylvania Power 100  by City & State Pennsylvania.

My presence on the list has everything to do with the team I coach at Triad Strategies and the collective success they achieve on behalf of our clients.  Triad’s success stems from the trust we have earned from the decision-makers (who comprise a majority of the list) which enables our client’s voices to be elevated, so they are heard by those who have the power to impact their businesses, organizations, and stakeholders. 

My leadership style is one that exercises referent power – I believe you earn the trust of those you work with, and it is that trust which drives productivity and success.  If you have the respect and trust of those who follow you, success will follow.  I am far more focused on creating an environment which provides our team with the tools to allow them to perform at the highest level possible.

Like any coach or manager, my job is to put a winning lineup on the field every day that has a deep enough bench to maintain our winning streak. I am proud of this recent recognition earned by the women and men who comprise the best public affairs team in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Team Triad.