October 4, 2024

The economy added 245,000 new jobs in September, a sign that the labor market remains strong, and perhaps giving the Fed another opening to cut interest rates. It is now safe to assume that despite four years of some rather dire predictions of a looming recession, it ain’t happenin,’ captain, at least until long after the upcoming elections are over. 

JD Vance and Tim Walz got together Tuesday night for the first and only veep debate of the season, and in the words of the criminally underrated TV series Letterkenny, “LET’S HAVE A DONNYBROOK!” Alas, there was no donnybrook to be had as both candidates conducted themselves rather cordially and even hung around and chatted after the debate. What a letdown.  Nerds.

The first debate between U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and Dave McCormick was largely the same, cordial affair, as… hahahahahaha! Kidding, THAT was a donnybrook.  If that debate were a football game, you would have heard Cris Collinsworth saying, “you know, Al, you get the sense these two teams really don’t like each other.” The only thing missing from this festival of accusations was one of the candidates throwing out an “I know you are but what am I??”

As the 2023-2024 legislative Doomsday clock ticks closer to midnight, a few issues look like they will go unresolved, as least until 2025. First and foremost among them will be transit funding, and how to pay for it. Democrats would like to see the sales tax carve out enhanced, while Republicans prefer to see a skill games taxation plan to fund transit. In any event, the chances of a so-called SEPTA fix are Slim and None, and Slim just left town.

A state House committee advanced a measure to crack down on the sale of so-called “gas station heroin,” which we think everyone agrees should be outlawed simply because of its name. Incidentally, we also feel that gas station sushi should be banned as well. It is worth noting, however, that the names of these products, which include ZaZa, Pegasus, Neptune’s Fix and Tianna Red, sound like they are colognes right out of Brian Fantana’s private stash (next to the Sex Panther.)

The General Assembly is also kicking around a plan to allow nurse practitioners and other non-doctors to prescribe medical marijuana cards. Neat idea, but we have been led to believe the problem ain’t enough cards, it is enough access to the actual medical marijuana. You can issue as many cards as you want, but if you can’t find it…

One thing both presidential candidates seem to agree upon is the need for more housing all across the country. Granted, Trump and Harris have WILDLY different ideas on how to fix this crisis, but a word to politics watchers: the lack of affordable housing often comes down to poor decisions being made locally, not at the state or federal level. So, start paying attention to down-ballot races, good people. Not everything is gonna be fixed by the next POTUS.

If you want the real lowdown on affordable housing, check out a 30-year veteran of that fight and our good friend, Blane Stoddart, who penned this gem.

Middletown, PA’s most famous landmark, the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor, is about to roar back to life, and everyone has an opinion about it around these parts. Those opinions run the gamut from “we need more clean energy on the grid” to “hey, I was alive in 1979, Jack!”

A bill to legalize Sunday hunting is inches away from Governor Shapiro’s desk, and despite a last-minute tug of war over who gets the credit, this cake looks to be baked. We have long maintained that fewer deer means a much lower chance of one darting out in front of our car, so let’s get this done.

Speaking of down-ballot elections, Pennsylvanians have much more trust in the integrity of those non-marquee races than they do the ballot results for president. Why on EARTH that would be the case, we have NO idea. For folks who have taken this stance, a gentle reminder that all of these races are ON THE SAME BALLOT! Stop tying yourselves into Gordian knots trying to explain that away.

The nation’s longshoremen this week decided to strike, then decided to postpone said strike until January. The head of that union, reached from his luxury estate in Monte Carlo, decided not to upend the election apple cart and live to fight another day.

There is a 60-foot Ferris wheel on deck of the Roberto Clemente Bridge in Pittsburgh for the city’s Oktoberfest celebration. This means that the apex of the wheel sits about 120 feet above the Allegheny River, a distance also known as NOT ON YOUR LIFE, PEOPLE!

A big shout out to former Triad client and longtime friend John Pippy, who is poised to assume the role of adjutant general in Pennsylvania. Kudos, big John!

We also give major props to our own Todd Brysiak, who was named to the prestigious Forty in their Forties list this week. Todd collects awards like the Steelers collect Super Bowl rings (he’s gonna love this analogy, trust us.)

And finally, our Shameless Client Plug goes out to Independence Blue Cross and Girard College for their efforts to bring more mental health resources to children.

In our We Can’t Make This Up segment, we take you to New Hampshire, where authorities say they “rescued” a moose that had wandered into someone’s swimming pool. Yes, they did remove a pool cover, but have you seen the size of a moose lately? If that thing decides it needs a dip in your pool, it doesn’t need rescued and also, there ain’t a damned thing you are gonna do about it.

That’s what passes for news around here, as the penultimate session week of the 2023-2024 legislative cycle is upon us. Plenty to do, lots to see, much haggling to be haggled, so make sure you check in next Friday to see what the hell got done and what is getting booted to January. From all your friends at team Triad, have a great weekend!